Forward Science (Wu Xi) CO., LTD.

How Calcium Sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9) Is Applied as a Food Additive

On the broad stage of the food industry, various additives, with their unique functionalities, add infinite possibilities to products. Among them, CAS:7778-18-9, also known as calcium sulfate, is a food additive with a long history. Due to its excellent physicochemical properties, it plays an important role in enhancing food quality, improving taste, and extending shelf life. This article will delve into the diverse applications of calcium sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9) in the field of food additives, revealing the scientific principles and market value behind it.

Basic Characteristics and Classification of Calcium Sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9)

Calcium sulfate is an inorganic compound that is widely found in nature. Depending on its crystalline form and water content, calcium sulfate can be divided into two categories: dihydrate calcium sulfate (gypsum powder) and anhydrous calcium sulfate (calcined gypsum powder). The former is mainly used in construction, sculpture, and other fields, while the latter, due to its excellent compatibility with food, has become an important additive in the food industry.

Strengthening Effect of Calcium Sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9) in Baked Goods

In the production of baked goods such as bread, cakes, and biscuits, calcium sulfate is widely used as a strengthening agent. It can enhance the dough's strength and elasticity, making the finished product softer and more elastic. It also improves the dough's fermentation performance, increasing the volume and stability of baked goods. This strengthening effect results from the combination of calcium sulfate with the proteins in the flour, promoting the formation of a gluten network.

Coagulation and Stabilization of Calcium Sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9) in Dairy Processing

In dairy processing, calcium sulfate also plays a crucial role. As a coagulant, it can quickly and evenly coagulate the proteins in milk, forming solid curds, which are essential for making cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. Additionally, calcium sulfate stabilizes the texture of dairy products, preventing whey separation and improving the taste and shelf life of the product. Its efficient coagulation and stabilization capabilities make calcium sulfate highly favored in the dairy industry.

Unique Contributions of Calcium Sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9) in Tofu Production

In the production of soy products, especially tofu, calcium sulfate also plays an irreplaceable role. As a coagulant, it can precisely control the coagulation process of soybean protein, giving tofu a fine texture and smooth taste. Compared to traditional coagulants like brine and gypsum, calcium sulfate has higher purity and better solubility, significantly enhancing the quality and safety of tofu.

In summary, calcium sulfate (CAS:7778-18-9), as a food additive, has shown its unique application value in baked goods, dairy products, and soy products. Its excellent strengthening, coagulation, and stabilization properties not only improve the quality and taste of food but also meet consumers' multiple demands for health, safety, and deliciousness. With the continuous development of the food industry, the application prospects of calcium sulfate will become broader, bringing more innovation and possibilities to the food industry.

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